Craig P. Tiller, Esq. | Attorney At Law
Photo of Craig P. Tiller
Top Lawyers of Greater Lynchburg | 2022
Serving central Virginia For more than 31 years: 434-338-7093
Craig P. Tiller, Esq. | Attorney At Law
Photo of Craig P. Tiller
Top Lawyers of Greater Lynchburg | 2022
Serving central Virginia For more than 31 years:

Trusted, Experienced Lawyer
Offering Personalized Guidance
From Start To Finish

Year: 2020

Can brain trauma make you reckless?

After getting into a crash, it is common to experience head injury and brain trauma. Unfortunately, traumatic brain injuries (TBI) often have lasting and complex impacts on victims. TBIs can alter your personality and temperament in many unexpected ways. It may...

Pedestrian deaths a problem in Virginia

Pedestrians naturally have a greater risk of serious outcomes in accidents given their inherent lack of protection compared with the protection people in cars and other vehicles have. Factors such as limited street lighting may further increase pedestrian risks.  Even...