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Why are high-speed crashes so traumatic?

On Behalf of | Mar 25, 2024 | Motor Vehicle Accidents | 0 comments

Crashes on highways and interstates are often traumatic. This is likely due, at least in part, to the speed of the vehicles. 

Victims of these crashes must understand some of the mechanics of why these high-speed crashes are so traumatic. This may be beneficial because knowledge may bring up points that can be used in a claim against the reckless driver who caused the crash.

The physics behind high-speed crashes

At high speeds, the energy involved in a crash increases considerably. As vehicles move faster, the forces involved in any collision become significantly more severe. Laws of physics show that the energy in the crash will be distributed based on the impact area. This means that every small increase in speed can greatly increase the possible damage and potential injuries at the time of the crash.

Human vulnerability to crash forces

The human body isn’t designed to withstand the intense force of a high-speed crash. Organs and internal structures can suffer severe trauma as they are thrown forward and then abruptly halted. Safety mechanisms like seat belts and airbags can provide some protection, but their effectiveness diminishes as the speed and severity of the impact increase.

Increased severity and complexity of accidents

High-speed crashes often result in more complex accident scenes, including rollovers and multi-vehicle pile-ups, which complicate rescue efforts and increase the likelihood of severe injuries or fatalities. The dynamics of high-speed impacts can also push vehicles into dangerous positions, increase the risk of fires and make it more difficult for emergency responders to provide timely assistance.

Victims of these crashes may need intensive medical care, which can be costly. They may opt to pursue a compensation claim with the negligent driver named as the liable party.