Craig P. Tiller, Esq. | Attorney At Law
Photo Of Craig P. Tiller
Top Lawyers of Greater Lynchburg | 2022
Serving central Virginia For more than 31 years: 434-338-7093
Craig P. Tiller, Esq. | Attorney At Law
Photo of Craig P. Tiller

Trusted, Experienced Lawyer
Offering Personalized Guidance
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Month: February 2021

When is a will valid in Virginia?

When you die, the court may not recognize your wishes if they do not appear in a valid will. Each state has different laws about what makes a person's will valid. As you begin the estate planning process, review the requirements for a legal will in Virginia, even if...

What are some signs of a concussion?

After a car crash, you may notice odd and increasingly prevalent feelings of pain in your head and body. Concussions are a type of traumatic brain injury, and they can seriously disrupt your life if you do not notice the symptoms as they occur. Mental struggles...