There comes the point in many elderly individuals’ lives in which they become unable to manage their finances on their own or care for themselves. When this happens, an adult child or other loved one may wish to step in as a guardian. Before the Virginia courts award...
Month: October 2019
Important estate planning tools for millennials
It is not uncommon for young adults in Virginia to think about an estate plan as something that people in their parents' or grandparents' generation should have. The reality, however, is that even someone in their twenties or thirties can benefit from some planning....
Are holographic wills allowed in Virginia?
In Virginia, there are laws in place that dictate what does or doesn’t make a will valid. If you do not follow these rules, you could potentially risk your entire will being considered invalid. It would, therefore, be disregarded by the court and your wishes will not...
Is it too early to create a will?
Virginia residents like you may have put off making your will for a number of reasons. One of the biggest ones is that many people feel as though they are “not old enough” to have one. We at Craig P. Tiller, ESQ., attorney at law, will explain today why that simply...