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Craig P. Tiller, Esq. | Attorney At Law
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Is it too early to create a will?

On Behalf of | Oct 17, 2019 | Simple Wills | 0 comments

Virginia residents like you may have put off making your will for a number of reasons. One of the biggest ones is that many people feel as though they are “not old enough” to have one. We at Craig P. Tiller, ESQ., attorney at law, will explain today why that simply isn’t true.

You are never too young to make a will. Simply put, there is no right or wrong time to make it as there are no legal deadlines set according to age. However, the longer you wait to make a will, the more future hardships your beneficiaries and family members may be put through.

After your passing, family members are the ones who will have to handle probate for your estate. This can be a long, complex and drawn-out legal process that often requires years of dealing with legalities with the aid of an attorney. They will have to deal with all of the paperwork, filing, and deadlines, along with ensuring that your assets are divided.

However, if you have a will ready, there will be no second guessing regarding what you want done with your assets after you have passed. This can save your loved ones from dealing with probate, as well as ensure that there are no disputes among family members for your assets.

If you have decided that now is the time for you to write your will, consider taking a look at our web page on wills and power of attorney, linked here, to learn more.