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Should you apply for guardianship before your child turns 18?

On Behalf of | Mar 30, 2020 | Guardianships | 0 comments

If you have a child with special needs, an approaching 18th birthday may be a cause for concern. This birthday signifies that your child is an independent adult. For you, it means you no longer have any say in his or her medical care or other choices in life. If your child is unable to make such choices on his or her own, then the best thing to do is to file for guardianship so that you can maintain the ability to take care of him or her.

In some cases, though, you may not know if you should apply for guardianship. It is not always easy to know exactly what your child may need. According to, Inc., there are a few things you want to think about and consider when determining if you need a guardianship for your child.

Basic needs

You should think about whether your child can manage his or her own basic needs. If you have to get your child dressed each day or help him or her bathe, then he or she is quite dependent on you and may not be able to make the right decisions when it comes to his or her care.


If your child is unable to communicate in a clear manner, then this is another issue to note. Someone will have to act as an advocate for your child. If he or she cannot communicate wants or needs, then it may be helpful for you to step in and do so.

Mental capacity

The ability to comprehend what he or she needs and how to go about getting those needs fulfilled is essential to being independent and able to take care of one’s self. If your child does not have an adult mentality, then it could be risky for him or her to not have a guardian.