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Craig P. Tiller, Esq. | Attorney At Law
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Are you storing your will in the best place?

On Behalf of | Oct 6, 2020 | Simple Wills | 0 comments

Finishing your will puts you far ahead of most. After all, more than half of Americans have not drafted even a simple estate plan. To store your new will appropriately, you need a place that is both accessible and secure.

Individuals often choose to store estate planning documents in safe deposit boxes. While a safe deposit box is certainly secure, it may not be easily accessible. That is, you may only be able to access your will during banking hours. If someone else must retrieve the will, he or she may also run into red tape at the financial institution.

Your attorney may have the solution

Many estate planning attorneys retain copies of the wills they help their clients create. If your attorney chooses to store your will on your behalf, you should verify he or she has security protocols in place.

Your executor is also a good option

Your will probably names an executor who is responsible for executing the document after your death. If you have named a trustworthy executor, you should consider giving him or her a copy of your will. Likewise, if you have a trusted friend or relative, you may also want to provide that person with another copy for safekeeping.

You should probably keep a copy at home

Even though completing a simple will is a notable accomplishment, you should routinely review the document to be sure it continues to reflect your wishes. Keeping a copy of the will in a fireproof safe at your house gives you this opportunity.

Put simply, if you are looking for the best place to store your will, you may want to keep the document at home and somewhere else.