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What are some positive traits an executor needs?

On Behalf of | Aug 14, 2023 | Simple Wills | 0 comments

When thinking about your will, you may also take into account that you need to pick an executor to handle your estate after you die. This person should be close to you, such as a family member or longtime friend.

Learning about the positive traits they need to succeed in this role can help you narrow down your choice.

Protective and direct

According to the AARP, an executor is in charge of handling conflicts among the beneficiaries and protecting any property during the probate process. This person needs to make sure they check in with the house before any thieves or family members try to take items.

This individual needs to make sure everyone involved knows that they are in charge. People in your family should also feel comfortable coming to them with questions.

Good with organization

Dealing with the courts often requires someone who is willing to stay organized and keep track of all the letters and documents they are sending out. An executor needs to do tasks ranging from sending out copies of your will to paying off any debts you have with your own money.

Easygoing but responsible

Talking with a variety of personalities, such as beneficiaries, requires someone who excels at staying calm and respectful during discussions. Since a death in the family is such an emotional subject, your executor needs to be kind but firm when discussing inheritances.

Being aware of what traits make up a good executor can help you as you prepare your will.