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Common symptoms of delayed injuries after a car accident

On Behalf of | Oct 9, 2023 | Motor Vehicle Accidents | 0 comments

Motor vehicle accidents often leave at least one person with an injury. In more serious collisions, the risk of fatality is higher. Nevertheless, there are cases when a person involved in a car crash leaves the accident site unscathed. Some may call it luck, while others, a miracle. But in many cases, this situation can be an alarming case of a delayed injury.

Late injury manifestations to keep a close eye on

Any person involved in a motor vehicle collision, even those who feel perfectly fine, is encouraged to have themselves medically examined for any external and internal injuries.

However, even if medical professionals do not find anything abnormal during initial checkups, those involved in a car crash should watch out for any abrupt, albeit ordinary, symptoms that can manifest delayed injuries, such as:

  • Headaches and nausea
  • Muscle stiffness and pain
  • Abdominal pain
  • Sensory issues, like vision or hearing impairment
  • Changes in sleeping pattern
  • Personality changes

Symptoms of delayed injuries can show up several days or weeks after the accident. Failure to treat the injury timely can result in severe medical consequences.

How late discovery of injury affects the right to claim compensation

Fortunately, car accident victims who experience delayed injuries can still seek compensation against the driver at fault’s insurance company as long as they have not settled and signed a release of liability before the late discovery of injuries.

Moreover, the victim can seek damages against the driver at fault by filing a lawsuit within two years of the accident.

Hence, anyone involved in a car accident should wait before settling and signing anything with the other party until they know for sure that they did not sustain anything from the crash. This way, they continue protecting their right to seek compensation.