Craig P. Tiller, Esq. | Attorney At Law
Photo Of Craig P. Tiller
Top Lawyers of Greater Lynchburg | 2022
Serving central Virginia For more than 31 years: 434-338-7093
Craig P. Tiller, Esq. | Attorney At Law
Photo of Craig P. Tiller

Trusted, Experienced Lawyer
Offering Personalized Guidance
From Start To Finish

Motor Vehicle Accidents

Multitasking is a myth

Have you ever heard someone tell you that they’re very good at multitasking? Maybe they like to read books while they watch television or use their cellphone while they drive the car. Maybe they always have music on when they are at work. They believe that they can do...

3 reasons people tailgate

When a driver is following another car, they need to maintain a safe following distance. Many experts define this as at least three seconds. But it can change depending on road conditions. When someone drives too close to the next vehicle, this is known as tailgating,...